July 2024

Smart Meter

What is a Smart Meter and How Does it Benefit You?

Technological advancement has changed the entire paradigm, making them ‘smarter.’ The households and homes are in the same race. One of the emerging elements is a smart meter. These next-generation meters foster more accurate readings for gas and electricity. The wirelessness makes them more handy and benefits both the energy supplier and the end-user. Moreover, …

What is a Smart Meter and How Does it Benefit You? Read More »

Smart Meter-A Strategic Supplement for Sustainable Future

Smart Meter-A Strategic Supplement for Sustainable Future

The general awareness and emphasis on renewability and sustainability are transforming the global landscape at a sustained pace. Along with the arriving opportunities, challenges are deeply intertwined with this transition. Unless a suitable alternative is discovered to overshadow the use of fossil fuels, human intervention can mitigate the extent of the energy crisis. Several whimsical …

Smart Meter-A Strategic Supplement for Sustainable Future Read More »

smart energy meters

Comprehensive Guide to Smart Energy Meters: Benefits, Installation, and Usage Statistics

India’s еlеctricity consumption has witnеssеd a stеady risе, drivеn by thе increasing dеmand from industrial, commеrcial, and residential sеctors. With thе national еlеctric grid’s installеd capacity rеaching 442.0 GW by March 2024, renewable energy sourcеs now constitute 43% of this total. Thе implementation of smart energy meters has bеcomе pivotal in managing this escalating demand. …

Comprehensive Guide to Smart Energy Meters: Benefits, Installation, and Usage Statistics Read More »